
Exhibit at WasteTech and become a trusted supplier for demanding eco industry in Russia

10 September 2024
11 September 2024
12 September 2024

10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 16:00

WasteTech is the leading waste management show in Russia and neighbouring countries and the best point to start business at the local market. Started as local, exclusively focused on solid waste event, WasteTech has established itself as the premier forum covering waste treatment, environmental protection and renewable energy both in Russia and nearby regions.

Although the Russian waste management sector is going through restless time, The investments in waste management sector are massive in Russia at the moment and the needs are concentrated in creation and development of waste management infrasrtucture, building the waste recycling infrastructure as well as resource and energy saving systems.

So WasteTech is an important meeting place for waste management companies, industrial companies and technology and equipment suppliers. Here, manufacturers and distributors demonstrate solutions and offer the best conditions for utilities and industrial enterprises.

WasteTech runs at the same time and same venue with EcwaTech - International Exhibition for Water Management.

EcwaTech attracts specialists involved in municipal complex, engineering and technical support, quality control, production, environmental control, and its topics are organically related to the topics of WasteTech.

Simultaneous holding of two events allows to obtain a synergy effect in attracting visitors from the municipal and industrial sectors.